We vote every year in PA.
Next year, the Municipal Primary will be held on May 20th.
The Municipal General will be held on November 4th.
Municipal elections are where we pick our: Judges, Sheriffs, Commissioners, Mayors, Council Members, and School Board Directors.
These elected roles have an outsized influence in our local community. Be sure your voice is heard.
Sign up for our Newsletter to stay in the know!
In 2025,
prevent the far-left from regaining a foothold in our schools.
In 2023, you elected Conservatives to serve on Southern York County’s School Board. This change has allowed the following to happen:
- Championed your Parental Rights
- Provided unheard of Transparency
- Kept your Tax burden lowest in York Co
- Restored our historic logo
- Protected girls spaces
- Increased focus on safety
- Managed buildings responsibly
In 2025,
vote for Common Sense.